Moderators and trusted chat members in the Alveus Sanctuary Twitch live chat can use a variety of commands to control what live cameras are shown on stream, what can be seen on each of the cameras, and what audio can be heard.
!example <required:string> [optional:number] [literal:'on'|'off'] [multiple:string...]
| <overloaded:'up'|'down'> <values:number...> [flag:'--speed=' + number]
| []
!example foo
!example foo 10
!example foo 20 on
!example foo 30 off bar baz
!example up 40 50
!ptzpan [camera:string] <angle:number>Copy
Change relative pan position
!ptztilt [camera:string] <angle:number>Copy
Change relative tilt position
!ptzzoom [camera:string] <zoom:number>Copy
Change relative zoom level
!ptzzoomr [camera:string] <zoom:number>Copy
Zooms by a factor of z/100, greater than 100 zooms in, less than 100 zooms out
!ptzset [camera:string] <pan:number> <tilt:number> <zoom:number>Copy
Change relative pan/tilt/zoom combination
!ptzseta [camera:string] <pan:number> <tilt:number> <zoom:number> [mode:'on'|'off'] [focus:number]Copy
Change absolute pan/tilt/zoom, control auto-focus (if supported), change absolute focus (if supported)
!ptzgetinfo [camera:string]Copy
Get current pan/tilt/zoom, auto-focus state and focus
!ptzmove [camera:string] <direction:'up'|'down'|'left'|'right'|'upleft'|'upright'|'downleft'|'downright'>Copy
Move in a direction
!ptzspin [camera:string] <pan:number> <tilt:number> <zoom:number>Copy
Continuous pan/tilt/zoom
!ptzcenter [camera:string] <x:number> <y:number> <zoom:number>Copy
Center on positions x and y
!ptzclick [camera:string] <x:number> <y:number> <zoom:number>Copy
Move the PTZ camera to a specific location based on your click
!ptzareazoom [camera:string] <x:number> <y:number> <zoom:number>Copy
Center and zoom on position x and y
!ptzhome [camera:string]Copy
Move to home position
!ptzspeed [camera:string] <speed:number>Copy
Change absolute movement speed
!ptztracking [camera:string] <mode:'on'|'off'>Copy
Control auto-tracking (if supported)
!ptzdry [camera:string]Copy
Trigger quick dry (if supported)
!ptzir [camera:string] <mode:'on'|'off'|'auto'>Copy
Control IR sensor/filter (if supported)
!ptzirlight [camera:string] <mode:'on'|'off'>Copy
Control built-in IR light (if supported)
!ptzfocus [camera:string] <focus:number>Copy
Change absolute focus, 1 to 9999 (if supported)
!ptzfocusr [camera:string] <focus:number>Copy
Change relative focus, -9999 to 9999 (if supported)
!ptzcfocus [camera:string] <focus:number>Copy
Continuous focus change, -100 to 100, 0 means stop (if supported)
!ptzgetfocus [camera:string]Copy
Get current focus (if supported)
!ptzautofocus [camera:string] <mode:'on'|'off'>Copy
Control auto-focus (if supported)
These commands will pan, tilt and zoom the respective camera to a preset view. The presets are listed below.
!ptzload [camera:string] <preset:string>Copy
Move to a preset position
!ptzsave [camera:string] <preset:string>Copy
Save current position as a preset
!ptzremove [camera:string] <preset:string>Copy
Remove a preset position
!ptzrename [camera:string] <old:string> <new:string>Copy
Rename a preset position
!ptzlist [camera:string]Copy
Get all preset positions
!ptzroam [camera:string] <seconds:number> [speed:number] <presets:string...>
| [camera:string] <mode:'on'|'off'>Copy
Roam between multiple preset positions
!mute <camera:string>
| <'all'>
| []Copy
Mute audio for a camera
!unmute <camera:string>
| <'all'>
| []Copy
Unmute audio for a camera
!getvolume <camera:string>
| <'all'>
| []Copy
Get volume for a camera
!setvolume [camera:string] <volume:number>Copy
Set volume for a camera
!resetvolume Copy
Reset volumes for all cameras
!mutemusic Copy
Mute music
!unmutemusic Copy
Unmute music
!musicvolume <volume:number>Copy
Set music volume
!nextsong Copy
Skips music to the next song
!customcams <cameras:string...>Copy
Set cameras to show in layout
!customcamsbig <cameras:string...>Copy
Set cameras to show in layout, with the first being larger
!camload <preset:string>Copy
Load a preset camera layout
!camsave <preset:string>Copy
Save a preset camera layout
!camlist Copy
Get all preset camera layouts
!swap <camera:string> <camera:string>
| <camera:string> <position:number>
| <camera:string> <'blank'>
| <position:number> <position:number>
| <position:number> <camera:string>
| <position:number> <'blank'>
| []Copy
Swap cameras within a layout
!piptl <camera:string> <camera:string>Copy
Show two cameras, with the second picture-in-picture top-left
!piptr <camera:string> <camera:string>Copy
Show two cameras, with the second picture-in-picture top-right
!pipbl <camera:string> <camera:string>Copy
Show two cameras, with the second picture-in-picture bottom-left
!pipbr <camera:string> <camera:string>Copy
Show two cameras, with the second picture-in-picture bottom-right
!resetcam <camera:string>Copy
Reset a camera feed source
!resetlivecams Copy
Reset the camera layout source
!resetbackpack Copy
Reset the backpack source
!resetphone Copy
Reset the phone source
!brbscreen Copy
Switch the stream to the BRB screen with clips
!livecams Copy
Switch the stream to the camera layout
!text <text:string>Copy
Sets the text to be displayed on stream
!showtext Copy
Shows text on stream
!hidetext Copy
Hides text on stream
!enablewheel Copy
Enable the wheel overlay and subscription tracking
!disablewheel Copy
Disable the wheel overlay and subscription tracking
!resetwheel Copy
Reset the wheel overlay and subscription count
!resetspins Copy
Reset the wheel spin count
!setwheelcount <count:number>Copy
Set the subscription count for the wheel
!setspins <count:number>Copy
Set the spin count for the wheel
!notify [link:string] [title:string] [sub title:'|' + string] ['--no-discord'] ['--no-push'] [image url:'--image=' + string]Copy
Send a push and discord notification
Alongside the custom chat bot for all the commands above, Fossabot is also used in the Twitch chat to provide a set of commands that anyone can access, providing easy access to a bunch of common information and links.
Explore Fossabot CommandsThese commands will pan, tilt and zoom the respective camera to a preset view described below.
!ptzload pasture angelCopy
feeder but lower
!ptzload pasture barnCopy
feedstall barn
!ptzload pasture barn2Copy
2nd barn
!ptzload pasture barn2rCopy
2nd barn right
!ptzload pasture barnfloorCopy
floor of the barn
!ptzload pasture brushCopy
winnie's brush
!ptzload pasture brushrCopy
winnie's brush right
!ptzload pasture donksleepCopy
donk sleep spot
!ptzload pasture feederCopy
feeder bin
!ptzload pasture feedstallCopy
inside feedstall
!ptzload pasture fencelCopy
fence left
!ptzload pasture gateCopy
feedstall gate
!ptzload pasture groveCopy
pasture grove
!ptzload pasture insidebarnCopy
inside feed barn
!ptzload pasture middleCopy
middle of pasture
!ptzload pasture penCopy
round pen
!ptzload pasture penlCopy
round pen left
!ptzload pasture penrCopy
round pen right
!ptzload pasture picnicCopy
bug picnic spot
!ptzload pasture poollCopy
pool left
!ptzload pasture poolrCopy
pool right
!ptzload pasture purplebaseCopy
purple martin base
!ptzload pasture purplenestCopy
purple martin nest
!ptzload pasture rightCopy
right of pasture
!ptzload pasture roundpenCopy
training round pen
!ptzload pasture saltlickCopy
salt lick spot
!ptzload pasture skyCopy
view of the sky
!ptzload pasture stompyfoodCopy
stompy's food
!ptzload pasture sunriseCopy
view of the sunrise
!ptzload pasture waterCopy
water trough
!ptzload fox belowplatformCopy
below fox platform
!ptzload fox belowplatformzCopy
below platform zoomed
!ptzload fox belowrampCopy
below fox ramp
!ptzload fox benchCopy
view the bench
!ptzload fox brushCopy
view fox brush
!ptzload fox centerCopy
center of enclosure
!ptzload fox denfCopy
view far den
!ptzload fox denlCopy
view den left
!ptzload fox denrCopy
view den right
!ptzload fox downCopy
view straight down
!ptzload fox downleftCopy
view down left
!ptzload fox downrightCopy
view down right
!ptzload fox entryCopy
entryway door
!ptzload fox insidedoorCopy
view inside door
!ptzload fox leftCopy
left of enclosure
!ptzload fox leftfenceCopy
view left fence
!ptzload fox lefttrainingCopy
training spot left
!ptzload fox platformCopy
fox platform
!ptzload fox platformblCopy
platform back left
!ptzload fox platformbrCopy
platform back right
!ptzload fox platformflCopy
platform front left
!ptzload fox platformfrCopy
platform front right
!ptzload fox platformlCopy
view platform left
!ptzload fox ramplCopy
view ramp left
!ptzload fox ramptCopy
view ramp top
!ptzload fox rightCopy
right of fox enclosure
!ptzload fox rightcornerCopy
right corner of enclosure
!ptzload fox righttrainingCopy
right training spot
!ptzload fox shadeCopy
shade under platform
!ptzload fox tableCopy
foxes table
!ptzload fox treeclimbCopy
platform tree climbing spot
!ptzload fox treehouseCopy
foxes treehouse/platform
!ptzload fox treehouselCopy
left of treehouse
!ptzload fox treehouserCopy
right of treehouse
!ptzload foxcorner bowlCopy
foxes bowl
!ptzload foxcorner denCopy
foxes den
!ptzload foxcorner hillleftCopy
left of foxes hill/den
!ptzload foxcorner insidedoorCopy
view fox inside door
!ptzload foxcorner tableCopy
foxes table
!ptzload foxcorner trainingCopy
Fox training spot
!ptzload foxcorner training2Copy
Fox training spot 2
!ptzload bb backcenterCopy
back center of enclosure
!ptzload bb backcornerCopy
back corner of enclosure
!ptzload bb backleftCopy
back left of enclosure
!ptzload bb backrightCopy
back right of enclosure
!ptzload bb nestCopy
bb's nest
!ptzload bb nest2Copy
bb's 2nd nest
!ptzload bb toprightCopy
top right of enclosure
!ptzload roaches downCopy
straight down
!ptzload roaches leftCopy
left of enclosure
!ptzload roaches leftcornerCopy
left corner of enclosure
!ptzload roaches stickbCopy
stick base
!ptzload roaches sticktCopy
stick top
!ptzload roaches sticklCopy
stick left
!ptzload roaches topCopy
top of enclosure
!ptzload georgie closedirtCopy
zoomed in view of dirt mound
!ptzload georgie closeupCopy
lower view of dirt mound zoomed
!ptzload georgie dirtCopy
zoomed out view of dirt mound
!ptzload georgie rampCopy
ramp up to the dirt to the left
!ptzload georgie shoreCopy
zoomed out view of shore
!ptzload georgie shorerightCopy
zoomed in view of shore right
!ptzload georgie waterCopy
view of the water
!ptzload georgie wideCopy
wide shot of shore and dirt
!ptzload crow backCopy
back of enclosure
!ptzload crow backcornerCopy
back corner perch
!ptzload crow backcornerrCopy
back corner perch right
!ptzload crow backleftcornerCopy
back left corner perch
!ptzload crow crowsleepCopy
crow sleep spot
!ptzload crow downCopy
straight down
!ptzload crow down2Copy
straight down more
!ptzload crow entryCopy
entryway door
!ptzload crow heaterCopy
crows heater
!ptzload crow hoseCopy
crows hose
!ptzload crow outsideCopy
view of crow outdoor
!ptzload crow platformCopy
crow platform
!ptzload crow rightperchCopy
right perches
!ptzload crow tableCopy
crows table
!ptzload crow topCopy
top perches
!ptzload crow trainingCopy
spot for training
!ptzload crow waterCopy
water bowl
!ptzload crow windowCopy
crows window
!ptzload crow windowcCopy
crows window corner
!ptzload crowoutdoor backcornerCopy
back corner perch
!ptzload crowoutdoor benchCopy
corner perches
!ptzload crowoutdoor cornerCopy
corner perch
!ptzload crowoutdoor cornercCopy
corner perch zoomed in
!ptzload crowoutdoor downCopy
straight down
!ptzload crowoutdoor entryCopy
crow indoor entry area
!ptzload crowoutdoor groundCopy
view of the ground
!ptzload crowoutdoor groundlcCopy
ground left corner
!ptzload crowoutdoor groundrcCopy
ground right corner
!ptzload crowoutdoor insideCopy
indoor area
!ptzload crowoutdoor insideperchCopy
view of indoor perch
!ptzload crowoutdoor insidewaterCopy
indoor water bowl
!ptzload crowoutdoor leftCopy
left of outdoor crow enclosure
!ptzload crowoutdoor platformCopy
outdoor crow platform
!ptzload crowoutdoor platforminsideCopy
indoor crow platform
!ptzload crowoutdoor rightCopy
right of crow enclosure
!ptzload crowoutdoor tableCopy
indoor crow table
!ptzload crowoutdoor trainingCopy
crow training spot
!ptzload crowoutdoor treeCopy
perch tree to the left
!ptzload crowoutdoor treebCopy
perch tree base
!ptzload crowoutdoor treebaseCopy
very base of tree
!ptzload crowoutdoor treetCopy
perch tree top
!ptzload crowoutdoor waterCopy
crow water source
!ptzload marmosetindoor bowllCopy
bowl left of flaps
!ptzload marmosetindoor bowllcCopy
zoomed in view of bowl left of the flaps
!ptzload marmosetindoor bridgeclCopy
zoomed in view of bridge to the very far left
!ptzload marmosetindoor bridgelCopy
bridge to the very far left
!ptzload marmosetindoor bridgemCopy
middle bridge
!ptzload marmosetindoor bridgercCopy
zoomed in view of bridge to the far right
!ptzload marmosetindoor centerCopy
center of enclosure
!ptzload marmosetindoor cornershelfCopy
corner shelves
!ptzload marmosetindoor domeleftCopy
dome to the left
!ptzload marmosetindoor domerightCopy
dome to the right
!ptzload marmosetindoor downCopy
straight down
!ptzload marmosetindoor flaplCopy
left flap
!ptzload marmosetindoor flapsCopy
zoomed out view of both flaps
!ptzload marmosetindoor floorCopy
view of the floor
!ptzload marmosetindoor leftCopy
left of enclosure
!ptzload marmosetindoor poleCopy
pole from the floor to the corner shelves
!ptzload marmosetindoor rightCopy
right of enclosure
!ptzload marmosetindoor tableCopy
training table
!ptzload marmosetindoor win1Copy
window 1 to the far left
!ptzload marmosetindoor win2Copy
window 2 to the left
!ptzload marmosetindoor win3Copy
window 3 to the right
!ptzload marmosetindoor win4Copy
window 4 to the far right
!ptzload marmoset belowCopy
straight down
!ptzload marmoset bottomshelflCopy
bottom left shelf to the left of the enclosure
!ptzload marmoset bottomshelfrCopy
bottom right shelf to the left of the enclosure
!ptzload marmoset domelCopy
dome left
!ptzload marmoset domerCopy
dome right
!ptzload marmoset domesCopy
zoomed out view of both domes
!ptzload marmoset doorCopy
door to the indoor space
!ptzload marmoset flaplCopy
flap left
!ptzload marmoset flaprCopy
flap right
!ptzload marmoset flapsCopy
zoomed out view of both flaps
!ptzload marmoset frontdoorCopy
view of the door
!ptzload marmoset groundCopy
view of the ground
!ptzload marmoset groundrCopy
ground right
!ptzload marmoset hoseCopy
marmoset hose
!ptzload marmoset irCopy
top of marmoset ir spotlight
!ptzload marmoset leftCopy
left of enclosure
!ptzload marmoset leftpostshelvesCopy
view of the post shelves to the left of the enclosure
!ptzload marmoset leftpostshelveslCopy
view of the lower post shelves to the left of the enclosure
!ptzload marmoset platformleftCopy
left of platform
!ptzload marmoset post2tCopy
right post shelves top
!ptzload marmoset rampCopy
ramp to the right of the flaps
!ptzload marmoset rightCopy
right of the enclosure
!ptzload marmoset rightperchCopy
perches to the right
!ptzload marmoset rightpostbCopy
base of the right post
!ptzload marmoset rightshelvestCopy
top of the right post
!ptzload marmoset ropeCopy
rope bridge
!ptzload marmoset tableCopy
training table
!ptzload marmoset topCopy
view of top shelves
!ptzload marmoset topshelflCopy
top shelf left
!ptzload marmoset topshelfrCopy
top shelf right
!ptzload parrots abovedoorCopy
above the door to the enclosure
!ptzload parrots bothwindowsCopy
view of both parrot windows
!ptzload parrots chickenCopy
spot where chickens show up during walks
!ptzload parrots doorCopy
view of the door to the enclosure
!ptzload parrots floorCopy
floor of the enclosure
!ptzload parrots floorlCopy
left of the floor
!ptzload parrots floorrCopy
right of the floor
!ptzload parrots littlesCopy
Littles tree
!ptzload parrots littles2Copy
littles perch by window
!ptzload parrots littlesbCopy
base of littles tree
!ptzload parrots littlesbowlCopy
littles bowl
!ptzload parrots littlesbowl2Copy
second littles bowl
!ptzload parrots littlesbowl3Copy
third littles bowl
!ptzload parrots littlessleepCopy
littles sleep spot
!ptzload parrots littlestCopy
top of the littles tree
!ptzload parrots littleswCopy
littles window
!ptzload parrots macawsCopy
macawsw tree
!ptzload parrots macawsbCopy
base of macaws tree
!ptzload parrots macawsbowlCopy
macaws bowl
!ptzload parrots macawsbowl2Copy
second macaws bowl
!ptzload parrots macawstCopy
top of the macaws tree
!ptzload parrots macawswCopy
macaws window
!ptzload parrots platform1Copy
platform to the left near parrot inside door
!ptzload parrots platform2Copy
platform to the right in front of littles tree
!ptzload parrots tabletCopy
littles tablet
!ptzload wolf backleftcornerCopy
left corner along the back fence near den1
!ptzload wolf belowplatformCopy
below the viewing platform
!ptzload wolf bigrocksCopy
view of the big donor rocks
!ptzload wolf centerCopy
center of enclosure
!ptzload wolf den1Copy
overview of den1 (close to pond)
!ptzload wolf den1insideCopy
zoomed in view of den1 door
!ptzload wolf den1lCopy
left of den1
!ptzload wolf den1rCopy
right of den1
!ptzload wolf den1tCopy
top of den1
!ptzload wolf den2Copy
overview of den2
!ptzload wolf den2bCopy
den2 base
!ptzload wolf den2gapCopy
small gap to the left of den2
!ptzload wolf den2lCopy
den2 left and den2 ramp
!ptzload wolf den2mCopy
middle platform of den2
!ptzload wolf den2mzCopy
zoomed in middle platform of den2
!ptzload wolf den2rCopy
right of den2
!ptzload wolf den2wCopy
wide view of den2
!ptzload wolf den2tCopy
top platform of den2
!ptzload wolf den2rwCopy
wide view of the right of den2
!ptzload wolf downCopy
straight down
!ptzload wolf downrightCopy
down right
!ptzload wolf farcornerCopy
corner on the opposite side of the enclosure
!ptzload wolf farfenceCopy
wide view showing the far right fence
!ptzload wolf grassCopy
middle grass patch
!ptzload wolf grasslCopy
left side of the middle grass patch
!ptzload wolf insidedoorCopy
door to the inside space
!ptzload wolf leftCopy
left of the pond
!ptzload wolf leftcornerCopy
close corner next to the building
!ptzload wolf pondCopy
!ptzload wolf rightCopy
right view of the enclosure
!ptzload wolf rightfenceCopy
view down the right fence
!ptzload wolf riverCopy
overview of the river and pond
!ptzload wolf switchgaterCopy
right switch gate
!ptzload wolf tipCopy
tip of the river
!ptzload wolf tipzCopy
zoomed in view of the river tip
!ptzload wolf waterfallCopy
waterfall at the end of the river
!ptzload wolf wolfcornercamCopy
wolf corner cam view
!ptzload wolfcorner backfenceCopy
back fence
!ptzload wolfcorner belowplatformCopy
below viewing platform
!ptzload wolfcorner belowplatformlCopy
below the viewing platform
!ptzload wolfcorner belowramplCopy
below the viewing platform to the right
!ptzload wolfcorner belowramplzCopy
below the den2 left ramp
!ptzload wolfcorner belowramprCopy
zoomed in view below the den2 left ramp
!ptzload wolfcorner brushlCopy
below the den2 right ramp
!ptzload wolfcorner centerCopy
center of the enclosure
!ptzload wolfcorner den1Copy
den1 near the pond
!ptzload wolfcorner den2Copy
den2 close to camera/viewing platform
!ptzload wolfcorner den2bCopy
bottom platform of den2
!ptzload wolfcorner den2doorCopy
door to den2
!ptzload wolfcorner den2entraceCopy
front of den2
!ptzload wolfcorner den2insideCopy
view of inside den2
!ptzload wolfcorner den2lCopy
left of den2
!ptzload wolfcorner den2mCopy
middle platform of den2
!ptzload wolfcorner den2shadeCopy
shade below the den2 platform
!ptzload wolfcorner den2tCopy
top platform of den2
!ptzload wolfcorner downCopy
straight down
!ptzload wolfcorner downleftCopy
down to the left
!ptzload wolfcorner downrightCopy
down to the right
!ptzload wolfcorner grassCopy
middle grass patch
!ptzload wolfcorner grassrCopy
right side of middle grass patch
!ptzload wolfcorner leftCopy
left side of enclosure
!ptzload wolfcorner leftcornerCopy
corner of the inside building
!ptzload wolfcorner leftfenceCopy
view down the left fence
!ptzload wolfcorner leftwCopy
wide view of the left side
!ptzload wolfcorner nearcornerCopy
corner below the viewing platform
!ptzload wolfcorner ramplCopy
left ramp on den2
!ptzload wolfcorner ramprCopy
right ramp on den2
!ptzload wolfcorner rightCopy
right of den2
!ptzload wolfcorner rightcornerCopy
right corner along the back fence
!ptzload wolfcorner rightfenceCopy
view down the right fence
!ptzload wolfcorner riverCopy
river near den1
!ptzload wolfcorner waterCopy
drinking tub under the viewing platform
!ptzload wolfcorner wolfcamCopy
view of the main wolf camera
!ptzload wolfindoor doorsCopy
wolf doors
!ptzload wolfindoor leftCopy
left side of the enclosure
!ptzload wolfindoor rightCopy
right side of the enclosure
!ptzload wolfindoor platformcenterCopy
center platform
!ptzload wolfindoor platformleftCopy
left platform
!ptzload wolfindoor platformrightCopy
right platform